Ant + Ivy Birds of a Feather Session at ApacheCon
Stefan Bodewig
2007-04-17 19:01:07 UTC
[sorry for the cross post]

For those of you who will be in Amsterdam in two weeks: we are
currently considering a BOF session on Ant and Ivy. We'd like to
discuss ways to integrate the two even better than today and love to
hear some feedback on what you consider features that would make the
combination of the two even more powerful (as well as make Ant or Ivy
more powerful on their own).

If you are interested, please create a Wiki Account and increment the
counter on <http://wiki.apache.org/apachecon/BirdsOfaFeatherEu07>. If
there is enough interest I'll start a Wiki page (probably in Ant's
Wiki) to put together some sort of agenda.

